Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Welcome Back, Tintin!

The sequel to The Adventures of Tintin is a go!

Peter Jackson recently stated that he will begin working on it after he finishes up The Hobbit trilogy (presumably in mid-2014), adding that his return to the Middle Earth saga held him up a bit. At one point in time, it was certain that the film would be a 2015 release, but with The Hobbit being expanded into a three-part film series that ended up with a late 2014 conclusion, it seemed like it would miss the planned 2015 date. Also, several big events started to crowd up 2015… Little films like, you know… The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Star Wars: Episode VII, Batman vs. Superman/Crossover Clusterf*ck...

Then it seemed like it wouldn't happen for a long while because Jackson said weeks and weeks ago that he was going to quit the big-budget blockbuster scene and focus on smaller-scale projects. Well, I didn't think Tintin 2 would disappear just like that. Since it was successful, they couldn't wait too long to give us the sequel. Spielberg also insisted not too long ago that it would be out by late 2015, so he's certainly hoping it'll get made soon.

/Film's Russ Fincher suggests that it will be released sometime after summer 2016, which is a given at this rate. 2016 would be a better place for it, presumably sometime in the autumn. Maybe October, where it's not crammed between blockbuster and animated competition. In North America, the first film was thrown into a box office battlefield with very little marketing (Paramount was giving all of the marketing love to Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol) behind it, but off of that very weak opening came a solid $77 million gross, proving it had good word of mouth - even with family-friendly competition in its way, like the third Chipmunks movie. Thankfully, the film was a box office hit overseas.

With studios slowly but surely announcing 2016 releases, Paramount could reveal The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun's release date sometime soon. Maybe.

What do you think?

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