Friday, November 1, 2013

Don’t Judge

I’ll give you one guess as to WHY on earth I snapped this pic of the baby in one of those godforsaken rocket buggies at the Publix.  (Aside: does anyone else positively despise those things?  They don’t hold nearly enough groceries for a family of four for a week, they are the devil to maneuver, I can practically see the germs swarming in the nooks and crannies of the steering wheels, and I wouldn’t dare touch the seat belt thing for fear of contracting some sort of rare and contagious illness.  And I’m not really even a germ-a-phobe.)
But I digress… You probably think I’m continuing to document the hair growth after the unfortunate gum/scissors/shower incident.    But that’s not it.
Or maybe you think I just love that sweet smile.  Which I do, of course.  But not this day.

I could actually barely hold my hands steady enough to take the picture because I was guffawing at what unfolded when we hopped out of the car in the parking lot with exactly seventeen minutes to get in and out of the store before making it home for the PCP’s bus.

“Mommy, I forgot some-fing.”
“Oh great.  Your shoes again?  Well, I’ll just carry you.  Hop out. Hurry up.”
*we are now both standing in the parking lot*
“But Mommy, I forgot my pants.”

Yep.  The one thing worse than forgetting shoes.  Forgetting the pants.  He had them on when we walked out the door and decided to take them off and toss them in the garage while I was getting my earth friendly bags that I forget 99% of the time.  (Lesson learned.)

So we’ve now wasted three of our precious seventeen minutes and my side is about to split from laughing so hard.  We pressed forward without the pants – just shirt, socks and sneakers.  Don’t judge.


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