Saturday, November 30, 2013
Frozen Frenzy
Frozen is most likely going to score the biggest opening weekend gross for a Disney animated film, beating out the previous record-holder held by last year's Wreck-It Ralph (which took in a solid $49 million) while also possibly being one of the rare non-Pixar films to cross the $250 million mark at the domestic box office. That's what good marketing does for you!
On Wednesday, it took in a very good $15 million, which is higher than Tangled's $11 million first day gross. Already great, then on Thursday, it took in $11 million. Also good… Yesterday, however…
$26 million…
You read that right… $26 million on Friday alone. I heard reports of the movie selling out all over the country, of all things! It's in second place behind The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, which didn't outgross it by much! $26 million… That beat out the likes of Brave and Cars 2, both of which opened with $66 million domestically. It also outdid several other recent animated films, and it legitimately has a shot at grossing over $70 million this weekend. Maybe even a lot more since it's the holiday season! There is talk of it topping the Thanksgiving 5-day record held by Toy Story 2 ($80 million), and possibly making more than $90 million by Sunday… It's very doable!
See Disney, that's what happens you advertise a film the way it should be advertised. That final trailer must've done the trick, while the more pandering marketing (meaning, everything up until the third "Elsa" trailer came out) helped a little bit. Now please, market all of your future films correctly, please walk away with a valuable lesson from this film's success! (And no, not an "audiences only want 90s-style Disney fairy tales!" lesson, more like a "we need to make movies look good to the audiences!" lesson.)
Now if only The Princess and the Frog was that successful… Tangled would've opened with this much had the marketing not made it look like a Shrek-era DreamWorks film… But, that's what crappy marketing does to your films, it limits them from doing better. If Disney were smart, they'd market their future Disney animated films the way they marketed Frozen. They need to fully convince their audiences that Big Hero 6, Zootopia, Giants and Moana are events, not throwaway animation hit-of-the-week films. Films worth seeing over and over in theaters! I know they can do it, the question is… Will they? That's another story...
Friday, November 29, 2013
Gobble, Gobble
My side of the family convened today for round two of our Thanksgiving extravaganza!
Honey smoked our bird on the Big Green Egg for the first time and it was utterly divine. We rubbed it with dried thyme, dried rosemary, celery seed, salt and pepper, then stuffed it with an onion and fresh rosemary and thyme. He used a plate setter to deflect the heat and cooked it on a v-rack inside of a foil pan. We poured about a cup of apple cider vinegar in the pan to keep it moist while cooking at 350 for 15 minutes per pound. Sister helped dress it up for the table.
The Spode for Williams Sonoma acorn plates and turkey platter were wedding gifts, along with the Lenox Butler’s Pantry Plates and Strasburg Silver. I used mint julep cups for water this year.
Of course, we played our little Turkey Talk game.
And then we enjoyed dessert by the fire on the porch since it was the first day in a while that wasn’t bitter cold!
The cousins stayed too busy to get a good picture of them. Of course, the boys continue to fawn all over little CeeCee. I was thrilled to have another little one to seat at my beloved high chair.

Per usual, the men in the family are looking like this right now.

Honey smoked our bird on the Big Green Egg for the first time and it was utterly divine. We rubbed it with dried thyme, dried rosemary, celery seed, salt and pepper, then stuffed it with an onion and fresh rosemary and thyme. He used a plate setter to deflect the heat and cooked it on a v-rack inside of a foil pan. We poured about a cup of apple cider vinegar in the pan to keep it moist while cooking at 350 for 15 minutes per pound. Sister helped dress it up for the table.
The Spode for Williams Sonoma acorn plates and turkey platter were wedding gifts, along with the Lenox Butler’s Pantry Plates and Strasburg Silver. I used mint julep cups for water this year.
Of course, we played our little Turkey Talk game.
And then we enjoyed dessert by the fire on the porch since it was the first day in a while that wasn’t bitter cold!
The cousins stayed too busy to get a good picture of them. Of course, the boys continue to fawn all over little CeeCee. I was thrilled to have another little one to seat at my beloved high chair.
Per usual, the men in the family are looking like this right now.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
Today, and every day, I give thanks with a grateful heart for many, many blessings.

We enjoyed a laid back day at home and a lovely meal with Honey’s family. We’re hosting round two with my family tomorrow and have a big weekend ahead.
I hope you and yours had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

We enjoyed a laid back day at home and a lovely meal with Honey’s family. We’re hosting round two with my family tomorrow and have a big weekend ahead.
I hope you and yours had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Non-Nominated Highlight - The Band Concert (1935)
Well, today is the day Disney's latest film Frozen opens wide, which is all fair and good, but more importantly it also means that Oscar contender Get a Horse! will finally move from the film festivals to the general public. Yes, I've already gone to see it, and I've updated my thoughts on the film in my entry on the Shortlist (which you all must read because I'm getting desperate). And you can stay for Frozen, which is, you know, pretty good.
But today is also the week after the 1935 review went up, and while Three Orphan Kittens, Who Killed Cock Robin? and The Calico Dragon were good films, those were far from being the film animated film from 1935. No, there is one film that came out that year that topped them out and may as well be the best Disney film of all time. (At least the animation professionals polled by Jerry Beck sure think so.)
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But today is also the week after the 1935 review went up, and while Three Orphan Kittens, Who Killed Cock Robin? and The Calico Dragon were good films, those were far from being the film animated film from 1935. No, there is one film that came out that year that topped them out and may as well be the best Disney film of all time. (At least the animation professionals polled by Jerry Beck sure think so.)
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An Ice Movie and Mickey's Return
Sorry, I could not resist that ice pun.
*Warning: The following review contains spoilers*
Walt Disney Animation Studios' latest is good, and since a certain holiday is around the corner, I can say… I'm thankful for that! I'm thankful for Walt Disney Animation Studios in general because of how good they are now that the shackles have been off since the big change in 2006. Frozen continues to show that animated films are good or great when you let the artists and creatives handle the ship, not suits, not focus groups, not consumer products people…
Frozen is classic Disney fairy tale goodness in pretty much every sense, but it doesn't fully go the Renaissance route. It doesn't reheat elements, there is no major love story where the leads share a ballad together… Oh wait, Anna and suitor Hans fall in love just moments after they have met, but the film is merely riffing on the short-term romances that tended to define some Disney classics (note: Some of the Renaissance ones where they develop a great relationship in a matter of 2-3 days, nothing wrong with those, though). I mean, she declares she wants to marry the man in a single night's worth of hanging out. Elsa writes it off, and by extension, so does the film. Kristoff hammers it in a little more… That was definitely a nice touch!
But at the same time, it does try on some Disney Renaissance-era favorites, mainly… Broadway songs! Penned by Robert and Kristen-Marie Lopez (Avenue Q, The Book of Mormon), the songs are surprisingly kind of a mixed bag. First of all, "First Time in Forever" and "Let It Go" are awesome. Definitely instant Disney classic songs right there, "Frozen Heart" also kicks things off to a nice start, but "Let's Build a Snowman" is simply good, "Love is an Open Door" is also just alright. "In Summer", I honestly did not care for. "Fixer Upper"? The one song that I actually disliked…
"Fixer Upper", to me, recalls those unnecessary goofball songs from the 90s films, mainly "A Guy Like You" and "Trashin' the Camp". The song just butts itself into the story, a scene where Kristoff needs to explain to his weird troll family that Anna is in dire need of help… But no, a silly song! Complete with lyrics about tinkling in the woods! Talk about a tonal imbalance, in fact this film had a quite a few. Something I had a problem with. Luckily, most of that jarring stuff is in the film's middle part. It is at times cringeworthy, but definitely not detrimental to the film as a whole.
Frozen's main strengths lie within the story and the characters, the story is very well-crafted but its our two leads that really make it shine. Anna and Elsa's relationship is very strong, it ends up carrying the film and producing all of the heartfelt moments. Every moment where they are onscreen together is just fantastic, Elsa is a very complex character and someone who is very scared. It's a nice change of pace, as always. I give the current Disney team props for trying new things with each story, Frozen is definitely no Tangled.
The story throws a core romance out the window, just when you think that there is going to be one, with build-up to boot! I was a little let down at one point, when it's implied that Anna's curse that Elsa accidentally gives her can only be cured by a true love's kiss. I thought to myself, "Oh no… That's kind of typical!" But no, she gets back to Arendelle only to find out that Hans is a two-faced jerk who would just let her die and would also kill Elsa so he can rule Arendelle. That's right there on the level of Wreck-It Ralph's great third act reveal. The audience reaction was also very audible. It all makes for an incredibly great third act that makes up for what I did not like in the second act.
The second act isn't bad by any means, it's just that it has a bigger dose of that overly-modern slang dialogue that I'm just not a fan of. I didn't care for it in Tangled, nor did I care for it in the 90s films. Olaf's number, "In Summer", while not terrible, doesn't really add much. There's also too many modern touches and details, this is a fairy tale setting! Also, comedy is inserted where it shouldn't be and thus it does feel cheap at times. The comic relief is handled much better in the first act and the third act. That being said, the second act does give us a few good scenes with Anna and Kristoff, a fun scene in a summer shack shop and best of all… Anna seeing Elsa for the first time since her exit from Arendelle.
Most importantly though, Frozen packs an emotional punch and has a very rock-solid story. I just wish that the screenplay's dialogue was a little better, and that the comedy and drama were balanced a lot better in the second act. When the comedy works, it really works. Most of the songs suit the film, while some are a little disposable and then there's that one I don't care for, but it's mostly a good soundtrack with a good score by Christophe Beck. The piece "Vuelie", which opens the film, immediately plunges you into the setting… They even played it over the Disney and Walt Disney Animation Studios logos instead of the typical soundtracks for those! Please do that with more films, Disney, please?
Do I even need to praise the animation? From the art direction to Elsa's powers to the character animation, it all shines. From snowy mountains to Elsa's elaborate new home to kingdoms with a Norwegian flair, it's all nice to look at, as usual for a Disney animated film. Some shots are just strikingly beautiful. Color is used to the film's advantage as well, with some striking use saved for the more dramatic moments. Also, the film's snowier color palette during the third act kicks all those teal-and-orange "gritty" live action films in their collective faces; that's how you do scenes that are a little bit on the darker side!
It ends well, with an excellent resolution to everything that had gone down in the film. Its heart is right there on the surface, and overall… It's another Disney animated classic. It has some bigger flaws, but as a whole? It's very enjoyable.
The hyperbole surrounding it, however… Well, I can't say I'm happy with that. That's another story for another post for another day, but the time is not right.
Now… To say nothing of Get A Horse!
My oh my… This is how a modern Mickey Mouse cartoon should be done! This is more than a great return for the character - he hadn't graced the silver screen in a roughly 6-minute short since 1995's Runaway Brain - it's just a blast and it does something different for a change. It begins like a Golden Age-era Mickey short, as it was an unearthed scrapped Mickey short from 1929, but then our characters go in and out of the movie theater screen. The film throws one fun inventive thing on top of the other, with the characters turning into computer animated versions of themselves when they come out of the screen!
But the best thing is, it's really funny. This is the real Mickey Mouse, not the politically correct preschool show version that's aggressively shoved down your throat. This is the old Mickey, with the energy and personality that made him so instantly likable. The cartoon was full of raucous slapstick and lots of inventiveness… It's a whole lot of fun and it's definitely worth the price of admission!
Holiday Monograms {Giveaway + Discount}
I am beyond excited to be bringing MORE monograms to my holiday decor this year!!! First, take a gander at my new wreaths for my four exterior doors – front, side, friends entry and porch!!
Here’s how I pulled it off:
1. You’ll need a 24” basic wreath, 12” indoor/outdoor white monogram from Scrappin Plus, one holiday spray (optional), ribbon and pipe cleaners.
2. Fluff your wreath and cut up the holiday spray with wire clippers. I find that going with a basic wreath and then adding a few springs of pretty greenery goes A LONG way and is much cheaper than the nicer wreaths that are already made.

3. Attach the monogram with white pipe cleaners at the four corners.

4. Make your bow and attach with another pipe cleaner.
5. Add the clipped sprigs of greenery!
In addition to the four wreath monograms, I also added darling 6” wood monograms (also from Scrappin Plus) to our stockings. I never had them monogrammed with our names and absolutely adore this look. I painted them with Krylon Short Cuts Gold Leaf spray paint in under five minutes!
If you recall, last year I used a 16” single letter monogram to make the canvas on my porch. Well, I am thrilled to announce that Tamera has invited me to give away a 16” single letter to one of my readers and a discount code to ALL!!!

DISCOUNT: Use the Scrappin Plus discount code DIXIEDELIGHTS to take 10% off of your order between now and December 5 (the cutoff for Christmas delivery of unpainted items.)
GIVEAWAY: The giveaway is open to US mailing addresses only. Post a separate comment for any/all of the following and leave your email address if you don’t have a blog or profile where I can find you. You will get one chance to win for each thing you do – that’s five chances per person!!
1. Visit the Scrappin Plus etsy store, pin an item you love to your Pinterest board and leave a comment letting me know.
2. Visit Scrappin Plus’s sister store Crafty Little Things, pin an item you love to your Pinterest board and leave a comment letting me know.
3. Like the Crafty Little Things Facebook page, tell them Dixie Delights sent you and leave a comment letting me know.
4. Follow my blog and leave a comment letting me know.
5. Leave a comment letting me know what fabulous thing you’d do with a wood monogram!!
The winner will be announced on December 3!!
I am beyond excited to be bringing MORE monograms to my holiday decor this year!!! First, take a gander at my new wreaths for my four exterior doors – front, side, friends entry and porch!!
Here’s how I pulled it off:
1. You’ll need a 24” basic wreath, 12” indoor/outdoor white monogram from Scrappin Plus, one holiday spray (optional), ribbon and pipe cleaners.
2. Fluff your wreath and cut up the holiday spray with wire clippers. I find that going with a basic wreath and then adding a few springs of pretty greenery goes A LONG way and is much cheaper than the nicer wreaths that are already made.
3. Attach the monogram with white pipe cleaners at the four corners.
4. Make your bow and attach with another pipe cleaner.
5. Add the clipped sprigs of greenery!
In addition to the four wreath monograms, I also added darling 6” wood monograms (also from Scrappin Plus) to our stockings. I never had them monogrammed with our names and absolutely adore this look. I painted them with Krylon Short Cuts Gold Leaf spray paint in under five minutes!
If you recall, last year I used a 16” single letter monogram to make the canvas on my porch. Well, I am thrilled to announce that Tamera has invited me to give away a 16” single letter to one of my readers and a discount code to ALL!!!
DISCOUNT: Use the Scrappin Plus discount code DIXIEDELIGHTS to take 10% off of your order between now and December 5 (the cutoff for Christmas delivery of unpainted items.)
GIVEAWAY: The giveaway is open to US mailing addresses only. Post a separate comment for any/all of the following and leave your email address if you don’t have a blog or profile where I can find you. You will get one chance to win for each thing you do – that’s five chances per person!!
1. Visit the Scrappin Plus etsy store, pin an item you love to your Pinterest board and leave a comment letting me know.
2. Visit Scrappin Plus’s sister store Crafty Little Things, pin an item you love to your Pinterest board and leave a comment letting me know.
3. Like the Crafty Little Things Facebook page, tell them Dixie Delights sent you and leave a comment letting me know.
4. Follow my blog and leave a comment letting me know.
5. Leave a comment letting me know what fabulous thing you’d do with a wood monogram!!
The winner will be announced on December 3!!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Box of Brilliance
A new trailer for LAIKA's The BoxTrolls has unexpectedly arrived!
This is no ordinary trailer either, and I must say, distributor Focus Features made something truly cool here! Rather than going for a stupid trailer that is a hodgepodge of antics and kid-centric jokes (like ParaNorman's near-disastrous trailer), they instead decided to craft something that could help audiences appreciate the beauty of stop motion animation and LAIKA's work in general. No dialogue or announcers, just a song and footage of the animators and artists at work… What more could you ask for?
Anyways, it's always staggering to see how much goes into their films and it's also a nice callback to the days when Disney would put behind-the-scenes footage in their trailers for their films in the 1990s. Showing the audience small bits of what goes into making animated features is such a great idea for trailers, and the fact that they're doing this for a stop motion film makes me very happy.
Now hopefully the full trailer, which should explain the story and whatnot, will make the film look like something worth seeing and not a bogus kiddie flick that's too scary for kiddies but yet too silly for adults. ParaNorman would've been the hit it should've been had it not been advertised that way, so hopefully The BoxTrolls is LAIKA's deserved box office break out. It's high time a film like this does well and changes the game for mainstream feature animation.
What did you think of the trailer? Great idea? Or would you have preferred to have seen more story-based stuff? Sound off below!
I vividly remember the moment I fell wholly in love with John. He was four days old, up at three a.m. and swaddled like a little burrito. He looked straight into my eyes, and it was like he could see to my soul. I whispered “I love you” and all was right in the world.
At eight years old he is handsome and, while his smile is not necessarily quick, it is always genuine. He’s as smart as a whip – sometimes so much so that it scares me :-) He’s a fierce friend, kind to all, and inclusive of everyone. Like his momma, he has a flair for the dramatic and is as strong willed as they come. He’s athletic and competitive, but always leaps to congratulate others. He is strong, but sensitive and with each day he becomes more aware of his own feelings. He is my firstborn son, a miracle, and I love him with a thousand hearts!
As y’all know, we kicked off his eighth birthday with the return of our friendly elf, Scout, and a birthday gift scavenger hunt!
We met up with friends to see the Free Birds movie. It was silly in a matter that was extremely attractive to our group of little boys!5

And then we made a quick run by our favorite bakery for a box full of treats!!

With the cold rain pouring down all day, we decided to invite his little friends back over to play. And then we headed out to his very favorite meal of all – the Japanese hibachi!!
Right before bed, we added his 8 year old notch to the growth chart. My, time does fly.
It was a day filled with nothing but fun, love, laughs and sugar. What more could an eight year old ask for?!?!
At eight years old he is handsome and, while his smile is not necessarily quick, it is always genuine. He’s as smart as a whip – sometimes so much so that it scares me :-) He’s a fierce friend, kind to all, and inclusive of everyone. Like his momma, he has a flair for the dramatic and is as strong willed as they come. He’s athletic and competitive, but always leaps to congratulate others. He is strong, but sensitive and with each day he becomes more aware of his own feelings. He is my firstborn son, a miracle, and I love him with a thousand hearts!
As y’all know, we kicked off his eighth birthday with the return of our friendly elf, Scout, and a birthday gift scavenger hunt!
We met up with friends to see the Free Birds movie. It was silly in a matter that was extremely attractive to our group of little boys!5
And then we made a quick run by our favorite bakery for a box full of treats!!
With the cold rain pouring down all day, we decided to invite his little friends back over to play. And then we headed out to his very favorite meal of all – the Japanese hibachi!!
Right before bed, we added his 8 year old notch to the growth chart. My, time does fly.
It was a day filled with nothing but fun, love, laughs and sugar. What more could an eight year old ask for?!?!
4th Annual Snowflake Breakfast: Elf on the Shelf Birthday
“Dear John and Whit… I’m thrilled to be back.
I’ve missed y’all SO much! I can’t wait to play tricks and games and such.
But first things first, let’s shout ‘Hip Hip Hooray’! It’s time to wish John HaPpY 8tH bIrThDaY!!”
Boy oh boy were the littles thrilled to wake up to find our traditional birthday morning breakfast hosted by none other than SCOUT, our friendly Elf on the Shelf!! For the fourth year in a row he arrived with a festive and elfin sized breakfast to kick off the holiday mischief and merriment.
Of course, making things even more fun than usual, Scout donned his birthday cupcake costume and brought his new Elf on the Shelf Birthday Tradition book!!!
Seeing as it’s a birthday, Scout fledged full force ahead with everything sweet and sugary. Tiny pancakes with dollops of whipped cream and sprinkles, mini chocolate chip muffins and little bowls of Lucky Charms…
…petite 8 powdered donuts and 8 shaped bacon twists…
…wee cups of yogurt with sprinkles and clementines rounded out the fare.
The birthday boy’s place was set with our family birthday plate, a party hat and pin.
And the rest were quite festive as well!!
The trick sparkler candles were not a surprise, seeing as Scout loves nothing more than a wee bit of mischief!
Inside the cupcake was the first of three clues. All Pokemon themed for the birthday boy!!
Along the way of his scavenger hunt, he found two packs of Pokemon cards…
… a lacrosse stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday, sweet boy, and WELCOME BACK Scout! We’ve missed you so much, too!!
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