Sunday, August 18, 2013

Full Court Press

So… it seems that the males around this house are becoming more and more insistent on growing our family.  By a dog.  I’ve known this was inevitable since the day Mother (who does not and has not owned a dog for at least 30 years) said “Amanda, you do know that all little boys need a dog, right?” when I was oh, say, probably five months out from even delivering my first son.  And I knew she was right, but I vowed to ride it out as long as possible.  At the risk of sounding like an insensitive, atrocious hag, I’m going to be brutally honest and say it… I really just don’t like dogs.  Of course, I really didn’t like children either until I had my own :-) I despise dogs that jump and lick and drool, and I have zero desire to pick up poop out of the yard or sweep up hair from the floors. BUT, I’ll do it for these boys and for Honey and fingers crossed I’ll come to like the darned mutt to boot.  Until that day arrives, and I’m trying my darndest to hold off until Whit starts Kindergarten next year, I thought I’d share some of the goings on around these parts lately…

The baby came home with this painting from “school”.  He has named his future dog Jake and hopes that it is “brown like that bery special chocolate in your jar that you sometimes let me have on my toast.”  *more commonly known as Nutella*  I am currently trying to figure out where to hang this because it is positively the cutest piece of art either of them have ever brought home in a combined eleven years of school.

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A few days later, John came home from a little art class with this rendition of his future pet.  It’s no wonder that this is the child that left pre-K with “room for improvement in coloring”.  Dare I say he was completely out-done by his four year old little brother?!?!

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Aaaaaaaand then this little note came home with the baby.  He drew himself and his dog and his dog’s baby bottle and wrote “I like dogs” at the bottom. 

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So can you feel my pain here?  They’re completely putting on a full court press and I have very little ability to say NO to the three sweet males that have so completely won my heart.  Now, I know this will run the gamut of replies, but do y’all have any recommendations on a nice, calm, less hairy, super tolerant, unslobbery, not too big and not too small but super cute kind of dog?  We’ve always adopted rescue pets in the past (all cats) so we’re not looking to spend a mint or get something pure bred.  I am starting from ground zero on this one.  (And just because I'm taking this poll doesn't mean I'm about to get a dog.  It just means I'm collecting information.  LOTS of information.  Because that's the kind of gal I am.)


UPDATE: I cannot thank y'all enough for your overwhelming response!  Keep them coming.  We're not moving on this any time soon and have time to do plenty of research!!!  :-)

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