Friday, June 1, 2012

Blue Sky's "Leaf Men" Retitled, Cast Announced

Yesterday, 20th Century Fox has announced (along with an upcoming slate that includes an untitled X-Men sequel and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) that Blue Sky's upcoming animated film Leaf Men has been re-titled. It is now called Epic. Seriously... That is a dreadful title change. It says nothing of the story, and plus, Leaf Men was a much more interesting title. This is more insulting than Disney's recent title changes. Leaf Men was a great title, plus it was the title of the book.

It seems like animated films based on books by William Joyce seem to get pretty disappointing title changes. A Day with Wilbur Robinson was retitled Meet the RobinsonsThe Guardians of Childhood? We get the generic-sounding Rise of the Guardians for the film adaptation. What gives? Anyways, I personally think Epic is just a horrible title change for this film, but it may work in the long run. Still, Leaf Men sounded better and it was more interesting.

The cast was also unveiled. The film stars Beyonce, Steven Tyler (seriously, is he going to play a rock and roll wasp or something?), Colin Farrell, Johnny Knoxville, Aziz Ansari, Pitbull and Josh Hutcherson, among others. I can't say what I think of the cast, since there's no trailer for this film yet, but it seems like a DreamWorks-y star-studded cast. I haven't read the book, but it seems like they are going the typical "it has to be a comedy" route with this. That said, I can't say until I see a trailer. The plot synopsis, which involves a teenage girl finding herself in the world where the film takes place, as she joins the bugs and creatures to fight evil, is still interesting nonetheless.

Epic opens on May 24th. We should be getting a trailer for the film soon.

What are your thoughts on this title change? Do you like it? Or do you think it's an awful change? Are you still looking forward to the film? Sound off!

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