Friday, November 16, 2012


I want to thank y'all for taking time this week to send so many kind, heartfelt and encouraging comments, emails and prayers to me, to sweet little Bird and to our family.  The outpouring of support through Bird's surgery, and as we wait on his test results, has been gracious and heartening. (I sure hope to share some good news on that front today!)  And as for yesterday... wow... the countless comments and emails were affecting and encouraging and beautiful and a blessing.  You see, I didn't intend to talk about Matthew - I just wanted to share a pretty glittery monogrammed canvas (could there be anything better??).  But when my fingers wrote the words that have been weighing on my heart this week, it felt right and it felt good.  So thank you, each and every one of you, for taking time out of your days to connect with us.

Now, this week each class at the PCP’s school put together a basket for a family in need at their sister school.  The basket contains all the fixins for a homemade Thanksgiving feast, including gift cards for perishable items.  Earlier in the week, Mother and I went in to put everything together in a sturdy laundry basket and to help the class decorate a festive “Happy Thanksgiving” pennant banner to include in the delivery.  I pre-printed and cut out a triangle for each student and had them decorate their card before stapling them together on a long ribbon.

photo 2

The baby was absolutely delighted to sit at John’s table and decorate a card!
photo 1

Each child contributed something as “small” as a can of green beans, but when we brought everything together in the basket, an entire feast was formed.  A lovely example of how little it takes to bring so much joy to one family’s table this Thanksgiving.  The class was thrilled with what they’d done and I am grateful to have been there to see it!
photo 1 (6)

Changing gears again, we had the baby’s parent-teacher conference this week and just couldn’t have been happier with the report.  Academically, he’s right on track, but it was when Miss L described him as “extremely kind and tenderhearted” and said he is a good friend to everyone in the class that I welled up with tears and my heart grew two sizes.  There’s nothing more I’d ask for out of one of my littles than for them to be happy, good, kind and loving people.  After the glowing report, the baby requested a “Chick-a-lay” peppermint chocolate chip milkshake for his special treat and I was happy to oblige!  It's not surprising that he guzzled it down in no time flat seeing as I drank one every.single. day during the last six weeks of my pregnancy with him.  (Ahhhh, to think I was puzzled by the forty-two pounds I gained!)  Do y'all have any idea how fattening those things are?  No?  Good!  I didn't either at the time so I won't ruin it for you now.

photo 2 (6)

And since this post is already all over the place, I'll leave y'all with a sort of public service announcement:  RUN...don't walk... to Target and buy yourself as many packs of the Limited Edition Peppermint Oreos as you can find.  They are divine and, try as I might, I cannot seem to stop thinking about them.  Run, y'all.  Run!

Oreo Peppermint Holiday 16.6oz

I'm off to hang with the girls for the weekend (and how sad is it that I already miss Honey and the boys?!?!).  More on that real soon :-)

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