Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Monsters University" Teaser Trailers

It's finally here! The teaser trailer for Pixar's Monsters University! Oh wait, scratch that... Make that four teasers! They all have "slight" differences.

What can I say? Aside from the colorful animation and the usually great Pixar look, this is a pretty funny teaser. For starters, the young Mike and Sulley designs look fantastic. It also looks like some of the monsters in this teaser are younger versions of the other scarers in Monsters, Inc. While there isn't too much (the next trailer will probably show us the rest of the university), it's a teaser that does its job. It's funny and it will most likely get people geared up for this prequel, despite any skepticism towards it. It looks like a lot more is going to go into this than Cars 2, whose teaser probably annoyed a lot of people. This one most likely won't, and according to those who saw it with an audience, it will be a hit!

Also, here is some lovely concept art!

Anyways, I'm excited to see Mike and Sully return to the big screen. How about you?

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