Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rich Ross Leaves Disney and Brad Bird News

The other day, big news came from the Mouse House. Rich Ross has left Disney. Ross has been with Disney for many years until becoming the Chairman in October 2009. The former Chairman oversaw some big successes like Pixar's Toy Story 3 and Cars 2, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, the inevitably huge Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and a film from the DreamWorks/Touchstone 30-film deal, The Help. He also oversaw colossal failures like Image Mover's Mars Needs Moms, the made-for-TV-quality Prom, and most importantly, Andrew Stanton's ambitious adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic John Carter of Mars novels, John Carter. He was also the man who made MT Carney the head of Disney's marketing department in April 2010, a huge mistake. She ultimately left Disney a few months ago, before John Carter came out. (For the better, I'd say)

In Ross' resignation letter, he stated that he felt that being chairman wasn't the right profession for him. The John Carter debacle most likely influenced him to resign, considering how that project's budget spiraled out of control and how terrible the marketing was. I wish the best for Ross, but I believe he wasn't the right man for the job. Here's hoping someone suitable will replace him, and perhaps vastly improve Disney's marketing department along with other things. Perhaps in the future, we can see good Disney films doing well at the box office. That said, who will be his replacement? Rumors are going around, some of which stated that Kevin Feige (who has produced all of the Marvel Studios films since 2000) might take his place. Who knows how things will go over if he becomes the Chairman, though I wouldn't be surprised. Who do you think will replace him? What is your take on this?

Recently, Brad Bird confirmed that he won't be directing the fifth Mission: Impossible film, if there ever is one. He stated that he liked how each film was handled by a different director, thus they all feel like different films. I'd say this is for the better, because I'd love to see what Bird's next animation project is. Either that, or he'll fire up his 1906 project, which he apparently wants to do next. What I'd like to know is, what ever happened to Ray Gunn? Apparently he was planning on doing this project when he was with Warner Bros. during production of The Iron Giant. After the success of The Incredibles, it was possible that this would be Bird's next Pixar production. Back then, this was when Ratatouille was helmed by Jan Pinkava and was slated for a fall 2006 release.

If 1906 doesn't go over, maybe that will be his next big project. Who knows at the moment, but I think 1906 will be it. It's been in development for quite some time. Bird hasn't forgotten about Ray Gunn, as he brought it up back when Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol came out. It's supposed to be a sci-fi noir story of sorts, something that would work as a Pixar film, considering that Pixar isn't afraid to try new things with each film they make. Personally, I'd love to see Ray Gunn get made. Supposedly, it's in the PG-13 territory, which could make for an interesting Pixar film. I've known about it since 2004, and I'd love to see it happen. What do you think? Would you rather see Bird do 1906? Or Ray Gunn? What did you think of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol? Will you see a fifth M:I film regardless of who the director is? Sound off!

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